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The season started with a game at the Stags with Paul, Steve, and myself. Don't remember who won, but it was fun until it got too dark to see.

In Guelph Jon and Pete set up the backyard for a little game. The hedge makes fielding a challenge, but it is a good time.wiffle in guelph

Paul, Steve, and me had a rematch in late August. It was quite windy so we put the fences quite short and Steve and Paul crushed me 6 to 6 to 1.

I also played with Dan and Sarah over Labor Day weekend, but the women were not into the game and we had to quit with Dan leading the homerun derby with two dingers.


The Wiffle season for 2002 has officially started. Steve and Brian Staggs defeated Jon and Justin Sybinga on a windy spring day. Jon and Justin couldn't get the bats moving and lost 3-0. We will have to practice and hope for a rematch soon.

Wiffle? Isn't that a game for kids. Maybe, but it is still fun for Jon. Steve Staggs has created a wondrous field in his yard. He has fences and foul poles for homeruns and a homeplate near a fire hydrant. Steve, Jeff Winkle, Justin Sybinga, and Jon had a game on October 28. The game was won by Steve and Justin 8-5. Jon is just learning to throw the pitches and had a great curve going (although he lacked any control over where the ball would end up). Jon and Jeff are hoping for a rematch before the weather turns foul.


Suprisingly Wiffle has quite a following. The original Wiffle has some history of the sport, and there are pages with tournaments and various rules for playing at other sites around the net.

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