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Saron Quiz

How well do you know Sarah, Aron and Saron?

  1. During their "friendship, " Sarah and Aron did all of the following except:
    1. taught Sunday School together
    2. did pottery and woodworking projects
    3. bought a tent together
    4. led a Dordt chapel
    5. all of the above
  2. What kind of car did Sarah and Aron recently buy?
    1. a large VW van to live in
    2. small blue Mazda that Aron doesn’t fit in
    3. station wagon – they have an eye on the future
    4. no car – they are going to bike across Canada
  3. On the night that Aron proposed to Sarah, what went wrong?
    1. Aron got lost on the way to the cottage where Sarah was to meet him.
    2. Aron burnt the chicken potpie he made from scratch.
    3. Aron forgot the salad.
    4. The smoke alarm went off during their dinner.
    5. All the above
    6. Sarah said no
  4. During their trip to Europe, Sarah and Aron had a memorable disagreement. What was it over?
    1. Buying a turnover in Switzerland
    2. Getting lost in Rome
    3. Deciding whose relatives to stay with in Holland
    4. Train times in Paris
  5. Sarah and Aron’s relationship was most influenced by which book?
    1. The Joy of Sex
    2. So I Kissed Dating Good-bye
    3. Seventeen magazine
    4. Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
  6. Sarah and Aron recently packed their meager belongings and had them shipped to Vancouver. With what were most of the boxes filled?
    1. Sarah’s wicker chairs
    2. Aron’s hockey equipment
    3. Sarah’s craft supplies
    4. Aron’s books
  7. Sarah’s childhood experiences included:
    1. Painting chicken pox on her face
    2. Ruining her little sister’s birthday party
    3. Refusing anything in her school lunch except peanut-butter and jam sandwiches for three straight years
    4. Refusing to wear clean laundry
    5. Being forced to go to preschool so that Minka would remain sane
  8. Aron’s childhood experiences included:
    1. Setting up chain reactions in his bedroom so that whoever entered would be hit by a dart gun
    2. Giving solo singing concert performances to little ducklings and chicks
    3. Disliking homework so much that he would work into recess to try to get it done
    4. Many numerous stuntman experiences on a bike
    5. "Accidentally" falling into the walls at his high school
  9. What item does Sarah foresee to be the biggest financial cost for them?
    1. Rent
    2. Transportation
    3. Food for Aron
    4. Calls to Ontario
  10. At the beginning of their friendship, Sarah and Aron had a "no physical contact" rule. What was their one exception?
    1. double riding on a bike
    2. wrestling
    3. back massages
    4. none of the above
    5. all of the above
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