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Every Wedding a Dream

Frederick Buechner

A dream is a compression of time where the dreamer can live through a whole constellation of events in no more time than it takes a curtain to rustle in the room where he or she sleeps. In dreams time does not flow on so much as it flows up, like water from a deep spring. And in this way every wedding is a dream, and every word that is spoken there means more than it says, and every gesture – the clasping of hands, the giving of rings – is rich with mystery. Part of the mystery is that Christ is there as he was in Cana once, and the joy of a wedding, and maybe even sometimes the tears are miracles that he works. But when the wedding feast was over, he set his face toward Jerusalem and started out for the hour that had not yet come but was to come soon enough, the hour when he too was to embrace the whole earth and water it with more than his tears.

And so it was also, we hope with the bride and groom at Cana and with every bride and groom – that the love they bear one another and the joy that they take in one another may help them grow in love for this whole troubled world.

Psalm 125 uses the mountains as metaphors for how we should live and for how we should visualize God’s love for us. Because mountains are significant to us, we have chosen this text as a theme for our wedding and marriage.

For Jon, mountains have always been a part of his life. He grew up with the Sierra Nevadas in his backyard and frequently made trips to them to enjoy their beauty.

For Deb, mountains have become a favorite hiking destination. Her various summer trips in the last few years have allowed her to experience the majesty of the Rockies.

It is our prayer that in our marriage, we will be like mountains, daily trusting God for all our needs and using the strength that He provides to get through the tough times. We also pray that we might grow in our understanding of God’s amazing and grandiose love and model that love to our community of family, friends and strangers.

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