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Jon's View on Life

This was quickly written during a hot summer afternoon and after reading our newest favorite books - Culture Jam and Simple Living, Compassionate Life. It is still in progress.

Life should be simpler. We should work less and live more. The goal of our world is to get lots of money and be happy. Only getting lots of money will not make us happy so it is a hopeless system. Our lives are too busy and we live to far from nature. God is in the world around us. All the material possessions that we have and our busy lives keep us from having a deeper relationship with him.

We need to be open to new ideas. Our closed minds keep us from learning new things and lead to prejudice. We should try to learn as much as we can here on earth.

We need to question everything that we believe. If we can not explain why we believe something, do we really believe it? I know this is a lot of work and that there are still many things that I would say I "believe" that I can not explain, but I am working on it.

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