YOA [our Year Of Adventure]


Before we left for our Year of Adventure, we received this email message from a family friend,

"I admire you both for taking some risks and taking the journey you are on. This will change you permanently. You cannot see North America through the eyes of the outside world and come back and the same persons you were before you left--that is true for your faith as well. This journey is much greater than just physically traveling from place to place."

debHe was right...and though we're still sorting through what exactly those changes are and will look like, we've done some reflecting on our experiences. Some of those reflections got published, some were written "just because", and many will be written and thought about in the months and years to come. Below are links to our more "polished" reflections - read them and enjoy...and let us know what you think or what they made you think about!

Published Articles

Deb's Personal Reflections

Mass Email Updates (less polished)

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