YOA [our Year Of Adventure]

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your comment about loving Jesus but not trying to be him really hit home with me. this moring the reflection centered on jesus history as a jew and how the roman empire used social integration of roman things to create their empire and thus the religion was coopted. and then we talked about the difference between john's gospel of belief in god and a personal relationship and the other gospels where jesus says come follow me and then later askes them what they believe. i think this individual faith can be good if it is followed up with action based on what we believe, but it so rarely is. we also went to a mega church the other day and i got angry/despessed at the opulence and message to the rich folk. the other talk today is of a church that just bought a one million dollar organ, and how they can do that when there are hungry and homeless people in atlanta, again maybe personal faith, but the action is awful, but on the good side bush has said he will house all the iraqis so we are thinking about raising money for our homeless friends here for a plane ticket :). wish we could meet to talk, i hate ranting like this on a commputer.

got to go to weekly ministies meeting (our group therapy for the house now)



I was hungry and you fed me, thirsty and you gave me a drink; I was a stranger and you received me in your homes, naked and you clothed me; I was sick and you took care of me, in prison and you visited me.

Matthew 25:35-36

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