YOA [our Year Of Adventure]

Biking in SE Asia


At the beginning of our trip, biking 80 km in one day was a huge accomplishment for us. However, as we got in better shape, we soon were able to tackle that distance (and more) in less time and without feeling so tired. The way it seemed to work out was that we would bike for a few days (about five or so), and then spend a few days in a major city. Compared to some of the bikers we met along the way, we soon discovered that we were not "hard core" bikers. That was ok for us though because we wanted to do more in each country than just bike.

Surprisingly, we encountered very few difficulties along the way. For one, we were all relatively healthy. For another, we never felt unsafe or worried that our bikes would get stolen. A few flat tires along the way and some damage on our bikes from transporting them...on ferries, pick-up trucks, rowboats, trains, buses, cars, mini-buses, boats, siclos, and vans...as well as a few issues with bad headsets were a bit annoying but not defeating. Furthermore, we never encountered any rabid dogs (not that we were hoping for it but with the rabies shots that we got before we left, Deb did want the satisfaction of biking away from one and not worrying about her life).

We met so many interesting people along the way, people who literally opened their homes, cars, and hearts to us. Huong, a hotel worker in Hanoi, for example, let us store our bikes and bags in her living room when we took off for a four day motorcycle trip. An English teacher in Madura took us around town (on his students' motorcycles!). A hilltribe village man invited us into his bamboo hut for tea. A group of Thai school girls showed us around town. Crowding around us, Indonesian boys enthusiastically tried to help us fix a flat tire. And countless people went out of their ways to give us directions.

Read more on each country for more details and see our route maps.

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